Kyudo, Part Deux

A few months back, I was called by Rick Beal, head instructor at Nanka Kyudo Kay in Pasadena to teach Level 1 and Level 2 Archery Instructor classes to some of his students. At the end teaching of those classes, I had the privilege to receive one-on-one instruction from Rick himself. If you ever wanted to practice Kyudo or you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact Nanka Kyudo Kay in the link above.

My approach to teach archery is very holistic (Yes, I live in Southern California, why do you ask? :D), and I tend to apply my experiences to my teachings. Through the years, I have realized that regardless of the sport activity we practice, the body reminds the same. Science and technology advanced in leaps and bounds. Studies have been made on body movement and body kinetics…and the results of their studies match the techniques and recommendations of many traditional arts. Times might have changed, but an elbow is an elbow, and it still moves the same way.

Externally, Kyudo technique and Olimpic-style archery might look different, but the core of both techniques are the same…Yes, I got hooked! I wonder how much would one of those yumi would cost.

About losangelesarchery

Alejandro is an Archery Instructor in LA. Coaches & Shoots at Rancho Park Archery Range.
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